Collection: Allium, collection of Fragments complied on the basis of Rule 3 (Molecular weight < 300, ClogP < 3, the number of hydrogen bond donors <3, the number of hydrogen bond acceptors < 3) and other proprietary filters.
Description: Stock of Fragments for Fragment Based Drug Discovery.
Samples format: Dry powder 1-200 mg in various vials/tubes/plates. Dry powder 3-200 umol in various vials/tubes/plates. DMSO solutions in 384 well COC Microplate, Low Dead Volume, Clear, Flat Bottom or in 96 well Matrix plates with 1.4ml removable tubes.
Molecule to select: Register at this web site or inquire irina@vitasmlab.biz for individual Login set to get access to the full scope of our products.
Delivery: Quick courier delivery (FedEx, UPS). Structural data (SD file), packing details (xls.file) and MSDS for all shipped compounds are provided along with each package.